Augmentez les bénéfices des entreprises et améliorez l'efficacité énergétique

La solution CESC C&I rationalise les dépenses énergétiques, augmente l’efficacité opérationnelle et garantit une alimentation électrique fiable pour exceller en termes de rentabilité commerciale accrue et de durabilité à long terme.
Smart and User Friendly

Supports cloud-based data and operations management analysis

Fault grading mechanism for rapid response to preset faults

Modular design with plug-and-play functionality, supporting zero on-site debugging

Long-term investment in energy storage systems can yield financial returns by saving on energy costs

Features peak shaving and valley filling, demand-side response functions, remote updates, and lower maintenance costs

Solution ESS commerciale et industrielle pour tous les besoins énergétiques



Usine agricole

Centre commercial

Commercial Storage System Solutions

What Our Customers Are Saying

Ce que disent nos clients

Planning & Consulting

  Dedicated Software Tools for Prolect Planning

  Outstanding Project Simulations

  LCOE &ROI Analysis

  Support from the Engineering Team


  Design Validation

  Hands-On Training

  Installation Checklists

  On-sie Suppot

  Remote Access

  Automated Commissioning Report

Operation & Maintenance

  Fleet Management

  Precisely Locatable Alerts

  Performance Monitoring

  Module-level Analysis

  Remote Troubleshooting

  Automated Reports