
for Day and Night



2.7 kwh

Large Battery Capacity

During the day, the solar panels capture, store, and utilize every ray of sunlight, converting solar energy into electrical power. 

At night, the electricity demand peaks, the energy stored in the battery is used to power most of your household appliances.

Multiple usage scenarios


Garden Fence

During the day, the solar panels capture, store, and utilize every ray of sunlight, converting solar energy into electrical power.


Apartment Balcony

During the day, the solar panels capture, store, and utilize every ray of sunlight, converting solar energy into electrical power.


House Wall

During the day, the solar panels capture, store, and utilize every ray of sunlight, converting solar energy into electrical power.

Choose the Right PV Panels for Your Home

PV Panels

Easy Self-Installation

The Orion balcony series offers a play-and-plug solution that customers can easily deploy and move themselves, eliminating the need for professional installation and providing a cost-effective alternative.

Easy Self-Installation